Tag Archives: Health

The Reading Room- The Power of No

8 Aug

This book immediately caught my attention. The title made me think of my own decision to choose “No” to maintain my authentic self.Power of no So I had an idea or so I thought of what I was in store for.  The power of No, Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance and Happiness, is simply stated yet profoundly spiritual. James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher discuss many of the principles that Eckert Tolle teaches in The Power of Now.

Still the couples captivate you with their unique story-telling style. James and Claudia each share deeply personal stories of loves lost and loves imagined.  Some of the stories make us cry and others make us laugh, but they all cause us to feel. The authors describe their failures and successes with a rare and honest rawness. Their truth is bold and refreshing. The authenticity of the authors rips through the pages.

Throughout the book we are beaconed to question our fear and resist giving up. Fear we are told is not enough to sustain a relationship that hurts us or cause us to hurt others. We must question our fear and choose to fight for love and for peace. James reminds us that we will find love again and life will go on. We are encouraged to create, to dream, and to be.

Claudia and James offer us exercises that guide us in living in now. The wisdom that overlays the book is that we must take care of ourselves. We must maintain our physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual health. James acknowledges that when he practices these principles he makes good decisions and when he abandoned them he made costly mistakes. Claudia allows us the freedom to sit and be quiet with ourselves which allows our mind to recover from all of the world’s noise.

Like many books on healing this book will make your thinking shift. You may cry as you acknowledge activities, people, or things that no longer bring you joy but cause you pain. Whether you choose to act on these feeling is your choice but thoughts planted after reading this book will certainly deepen your journey. This is one of those rare books that forever changes your views and gifts you with a second chance to get living right. This books call us to choose our Ultimate ” Yes” by learning to say NO.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is on a healing journey or is feeling stuck in his or her life. This book is the perfect anecdote to heal your spirit and to start living again.

Have you read this book? Do you agree or disagree with my review? Write me and lets start a conversation on the Power of No.

Wishing You Peace and Joy,

Melisa Alaba

Melisa Alaba is the Author of Live Out Loud, 52 Ways to Reawaken Your Spirit and Live a Life of Purpose. Melisa can be found walking on a trail or sampling chocolate along the coast. You can connect with her on-line via her social media outlets or join her in one of her many classes on her website www.melisaalaba.com

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.


5 Ways to Increase Motivation

18 Dec


Motivation and drive propel us forward toward the realization of our goals, but some of us seem to have more of this driving force than others. If you feel like you have less of these traits than you would like, the good news is there are ways to increase your motivation and happily start trekking down the path of achievement.

1. Here are five sure fire suggestions to get you going: Burn your other options. Working like you have no other options will propel you into taking action.  For example if you want to find another job or start your own business.  Write a letter of resignation, postdate it a month, address it and give it to a friend. Require that your friend present you with the letter at the designated time. Now begin working on your business or job search as if that date is real. You will notice that you become urgent about how you manage your time and finances.

2. Focus on the positive people in your life. If you don’t feel like you have enough, find some new ones. Only share your goals with those that are most supportive of you. For example, if you want to lose weight, join a gym and hang out with the healthy people. They’re positive and supportive.Likely, there’s someone at the gym who has lost 100 lbs. That’s the person you want to associate with! This idea also means getting negativity out of your life. If your friends don’t support you, why are they there? Take an inventory of the people in your life. Add some who have what you want, and move on from the ones who aren’t supportive.

3. Feed your brain with positive information daily. Inspirational books and audio’s are wonderful tools for accelerating your growth and knowledge. The key is to use them on a daily basis. They’re like exercise for your motivation and drive. You can’t just work out just one time and expect to see significant results.Set a schedule and stick to it. Even if you just do 15 minutes a day, the payoff will be huge.

4. Act immediately. Once you’ve set a new goal, do something! Your first task can be as simple as making a phone call or laying out a plan. If you don’t take immediate action, you risk falling permanently into analysis mode where there’s a lot of thinking going on, but nothing is actually happening.Motivation often comes after action. Making a little bit of progress can be the inspiration behind additional progress. So do something as soon as you’ve decided what you want to accomplish.

5. Look the part. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Do you look like the kind of person that would accomplish your goal on a regular basis? If your goal is to make $200,000 a year as a real estate investor, dress the part. Your identity should fit your goal. This may seem like a trivial matter, but it can make a huge difference.

Once you truly commit to your goal, your drive and motivation will see you to success. Take some action daily and remove your conscious safety nets that allow you to fail too easily; you’ll be amazed at the results.

As always, I wish you peace and joy on your wellness journey,

Melisa Alaba
Vision Coach

Do you like this article and want to reprint or share? You can, as long as you include this in its entirety: Melisa Alaba is a Life Coach and Counselor. Melisa founded Vision Works Counseling and Coaching to empower and inspire you to live your best life. Melisa helps her clients to discover their vision and purpose for life by providing holistic and traditional coaching methods. Melisa specializing in helping her clients; heal from brokenness, find balance in their personal or work life, improve  family life, revive a dream or to let go of past issues.